Hi there.
I hope you’re enjoying poking around! Though the main purpose of Because Why is to help people explore themselves and their life’s trajectory, I also really enjoy putting my thoughts in writing. I use this page to collect the questions and thought experiments as I work through them. It’s as much an archive for me to look back on as it is for anyone else. I hope you get something out of these as well. I’d love to hear from you if you have thoughts or questions about these topics, especially if you disagree!
Why We’re All Flawed Tools
It is common for us to hold opinions and judgments about topics we’re not experts in. These opinions say more about us than they do about the truth of the matter.
The Modern-Day Illusion of Safety
We have a modern-day illusion of safety. We feel we are entitle to safety and live as if we have all the time in the world.
“Everything happens for a reason”
As an unexamined and undeveloped belief, “Everything happens for a reason” is intellectually and emotionally lazy.